Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Apricot Jam

I am blessed to have in-laws that have apricot and pomegranet trees.

So during the summer time I get to make jam. Here is the first batch.

I won't go into great detail but you start first with the apricots

Then you chop them up, removing the pits and let them sit in a mixture of sugar and lemon juice. After you let them come to a boil and the foam starts.

After the foam starts you need to stir stir stir!

And then you transfer to jars and you have your jam!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Not me!!

Today is not me Monday. So.....

Today I did not text my husband how much I hate summer.

I also haven't had to put my 5 year old in time out 3 times in the past 20 minutes for talking back.

I didn't print out 30 plus pages....of the wrong forms that I need to apply for.

I am not procrastinating cleaning my house. Moving the daycare toys, folding laundry, making my bed......

And I will not enjoy going to work tonight just to get a little me time.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


I think the mommy liked it!